Talking about responsibility, imagine the next situation, a gay that is working in a project suddenly he is interrupt for the follow new: the other department can’t leave the financial statement of the last month, and this action damage his work, because he need that document in order to finish his presentation for tomorrow. Is about seven o’clock, leave one hour more of the summer light, what he can do?
Easy, he decided to go to the previous reports and calculate some estimates, the results of that exercise doesn’t be false, only the concept will be the same with the actual numbers. And finally he finished the presentation and he is ready for tomorrow.
But what will happen? He decided to bring a solution to his problem, but his problem has an origin, the irresponsibility of the other department. When all the departments don’t work what it supposed to work appeared heroes to bring a solution, but in automatically appeared antiheroes, persons that deny responsibility and do everything in order to keep this status.
When an organization suffers this kind of problem, is a result of inefficient bosses who not divide the functions of their employees. And bosses that rater do not see what is happen, because they feel that the important is the result and not who do that. But in a long term this action duplicates the work for a little group of people that is so concern that all the projects and the whole work go out on time.
This is an international problem. Anyone in each country could have some tale about that, but what the managers and director of the company can do?
First, divide the functions and let to know openly all the employees the function that they will realize.
Second, make feel all the employees that they have responsibilities, establish a mechanism based on reward and punish. In some how they need to know that all the goods things has a reward and in the opposite, the bad actions has punish.
Third, if you have directors on your charge, make a system to evaluate them, but not for the bigones directors or partners, so for their employees, in order to know how this director does they work.
And how the paragraph said: divide and you will win.
The life is and experiment too…
Mauricio Martínez R.
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