Sunday.- I have been developing a marketing job two mouths ago, is a little project that requires a lot of thinking work. Is a Beauty Salon, named Tempo Di Relax, it is an Italian name. Well, yesterday I fell down to the jail, because? I was surprising giving flyers into the mailboxes around the neighborhood.
Giving flyers is a good promotion strategy if you have a local business, and principally when the main characteristics of that business is a strong relationship with the community, like a beauty salon. Other reason to giving flyers is that it is not an expensive strategy.
Not is expensive, but is a little hard, if you do by you own, also you can have the opportunity to pay someone to realize that job, but doesn’t existed any other action that could approach with your clients out of giving flyers.
Well, yesterday, just when I was putting a flyer into the mailbox of one of the houses, the policeman arrives and suddenly he took me out of the street and carried me to the jail of the central government place, in the Municipio of Naucalpan. What was the crime that I did? No one crime I did, was only that is suppose that I need permission to giving flyers. But no one in Mexico, I refer to the authorities, has the sufficient brain to explain you that do you need in order to have your business well, and neither to explain you what do you did wrong.
The policeman and the others in the jail only put me into the room with like a twenty other gays, some of them drunks, others with the effect of the drugs into their veins, and I. I don’t have anything to do there. That was so embarrassing. And the minutes run and I was waiting that someone comes to me and explain me what my situation was. But no body did.
Suddenly, tired of that situation I screamed to the one of the policeman that I need to realize my phone call, and he let me out, and finally could call to my business partner and I explained what happen. When I finish my call, I told the policeman that I believe do not have the necessity to be there, with all the drunks and drugs gays into the room, I told him that only thing what I need to know were what the fee is in order to paid it, and go out.
After of 30 minutes finally go out, and I paid two hundred pesos. When I was in jail, I imagine that there are a lot of bad persons that really were doing bad things, like robed, murders, drugs dealers, and the policeman was only concern about a gay who were giving flyers into the mailboxes in order to reach a business successes, that doesn’t sound stupid?
There are a lot of bad things in my country, and the Mexican policeman is like one hundred light years afar to have any clue about their job.
This article is by the honor of all a good persons that every day does goods things, and there are a lot of other persons that always be against them. The good person always will win.
The life is a good experiment too…
Mauricio Martínez R.
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