Sunday. I know a girl how is trying to open a business. The business is a beauty salon, the name of that doesn’t matter for the purpose of this article, anyway. Recently she looks for help to one of the biggest brands in beauty business: Loreal.
Loreal is a one of the most important brand in the entire world. This has a lot of business units in every country and in fact has a highest recognition brand. The Top of Mind of this brand is enormous.
But, honestly, to be a big brand does not imply to be a good enterprise. Loreal could be a very big business, but they errors of the employees destroy the brand in a local areas stopping it develop and allowing to the other brands to take advantage of that circumstance.
My friend paid a good quantity of different products for her business, and the salesperson of Loreal told her that all that material could be with her in a one week. After that week the products never arrives. The reason of the salesperson was that he needs a paper from my friend. All that excuse was a lie.
Today, all the product arrives two weeks after to the original date and the business of mi friend open two weeks late too. So right now she has a problems, because the one week late opening. And she is so afraid do not complete the rent and the payments of her employee. All thanks to Loreal.
If someone of Loreal is reading this article, please, please, please, you need to paid attention of your regional units business. Because here in Mexico your service, price, distribution and principal your sales force are complete uncoordinated, and provokes that everybody how knows what Loreal is, lose the trust of your brand.
And please for everybody who not is someone of Loreal, please do not bay any of it product. Thanks.
The life is a good experiment…
Mauricio Martínez R.
1 comentario:
Lo crìtico de todo esto es que a veces no solamente con esta empresa se dan este tipo de situaciones, sino con muchas màs en quienes los pequeños comerciantes e incluso los consumidores ponen sus miras. Y claro està que nunca son ellos los responsables de las fallas, no, somos los que estamos haciendo uso de sus productos porque no nos fijamos en entregar todo lo que se nos solicitaba, tal y como tu dices. El caso es que siempre la lleva uno de perder porque a las grandes empresas no les interesa que se diluya una gotita de agua en el oceano de sus consumidores.
Da coraje que no tomen en serio a todo mundo.
Besos mi querido amigo
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